Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Aunty


Ring Ring Ring, went the phone.
"Hello?" I say
"It's about you're aunty, she's in the hospital" the other person's voice said.
"Oh my gosh, whats wrong with her?" I ask my heart racing like a jackhammer.
"she just had some pain in her chest but shes fine now, just wanted to let you know" the voice said.
"where is she?" I yelled down the phone.
"she's still in hospital, she has to get a blood test back"
"Oh my I hope she's ok" I say trying to hold back my tears.
"I will call you when she gets her blood test back, ok?" the voice said to me.
"yes please thank you" then I hanged up the phone
Sitting alone at the table trying to understand what just happened I then walk to my bed and lay down, I must had fallen a sleep because next thing I knew.
Ring Ring Ring the phone ringing, I wake up straight away and run to the phone pick it up and say
"Hi, it's just me, auntys fine she's at home they didn't find anything wrong it was probably just stress"
"Oh thank the lord!" I yell out
"I'm so happy to hear that thank you oh my gosh yes, I'm so happy yay" I say while doing a little dance.
"OK sweets I'm going to sleep now talk to you later" the voice said
"OK goodnight, sweet dreams" I say with the biggest smile on my face.
I then hang up the phone, so happy to hear that my aunty is doing just fine. I then find myself back in my bedroom laying in my bed thinking how happy I am that my aunty is doing fine, I then fall a into a light sleep, dreaming about sweet things.

The end

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